tuincentrum de schouw 1


De Schouw garden center

Yesterday it was exactly one year ago that garden center De Schouw opened its doors to the public at a new location in Houten. A year later, we are proud to announce that the development of this garden center have surpassed everyone’s imagination.

Organize and coordinate

In the months before the opening I was able to organize and coordinate the interior design, and in the following months I contributed behind the scenes to setting up the organization. Something I now look back on with more than average pride. Despite the huge development project, we know that this garden center with this team has the potential to continue to grow. I wish Jos and his team a lot of success in further expanding this potential!


Need help? Or would you like to exchange ideas?

Garden Retail Management Support advises and supports you in analyzing your business situation and drawing up and implementing plans on the way to a thriving business.

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